ESR Animal Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care for Horse & Rider, Dog & Owner


Animal chiropractic is a secondary healthcare profession specialising in diagnosing and treating the neurological and musculoskeletal systems of animals. This is done by performing adjustments to their joints and vertebra to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve performance. 

Here at ESR Animal Chiropractic, Emily is an expert in treating patients with a wide range of injuries and musculoskeletal issues.

Signs & Symptoms for dogs and other small animals:
Pain when being touched, pet or lifted
Reluctance or difficulty when climbing stairs or jumping
Difficulty when getting up after lying down
Negative changes in attitude or behaviour
Altered sitting (“Puppy Sitting”)
Changes in eating or eliminating
Constantly licking or chewing paws
Lameness or changes in gait
Changes in performance
Lying on one side

Signs & Symptoms for horses:
Pain and stiffness when moving or being touched
Reduced performance
Negative changes in behaviour or attitude
Abnormal gait, shortened stride or lameness
Inability or difficulty in taking a lead
Difficulty or inability to collect
Pinning ears or snapping when being cinched
Difficulty flexing at poll
Changes in posture
Resistance to being ridden

Disclaimer: It should be emphasised that this list is a basic overview, and does not cover every sign and symptom an animal may exhibit. The purpose is to highlight the most commonly seen signs and symptoms in the hope of offering guidelines to help the pet owner to recognise potential disorders. This is in no way an attempt to diagnose and/or treat any specific disease or condition. Chiropractic does not replace primary veterinarian care.

 Our Services


Diagnosis and hands on treatment for musculoskeletal problems,

helping your animal getback to being pain-free.

Also for performance enhancement

and overall wellbeing.


Aiming to restore and enhance functional ability and quality of life.

Veterinary Consent Form

RAMP, RCVS and DEFRA have clarified rules for treating musculoskeletal conditions - consent is NOT required for maintenance or performance cases, but IS required for remedial (post operative/specific injuries).

Before your treatment you will be provided with a new patient form that includes providing veterinary consent if necessary. You can bring a printed copy to your appointment or you can email it to 

The purpose of the veterinary referral policy is to recognise the possible benefit of complementary veterinary therapies and to provide a mechanism to allow this under proper veterinary supervision. Following this protocol, veterinarians and chiropractors can act in the best interest of the patient, and chiropractors can avoid unlicensed practice of veterinary medicine.  In order to properly evaluate an animal patient, it will be necessary to supply any diagnostic information from the treating veterinarian. With this information, it will be determined as to whether or not chiropractic treatments would be beneficial.  If the veterinarian believes that chiropractic care would not be in the overall best interest of the animal, it must be respected.
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